Boards and Committees
Park Central's work is accomplished largely through the dedication of several boards and committees. Their duties and members are listed below.
Worship and Education
This committee plans and coordinates worship services, including communion, special services, and planning for different church seasons. They also coordinate education opportunities and materials.
Human Resources
This committee supports the staff, oversees employment policies, and coordinates hiring efforts. They also nominate individuals for all boards and committees.
The Board of Trustees advise the Session on financial and building matters. They also handle other financial responsibilities such as counting the Sunday collection.
Ruling Elders (Session)
The Session members are the spiritual leaders of the congregation. They strengthen and nurture the life and faith of the congregation. They also oversee the work of other committees.
Mission, Membership, and Outreach
This committee coordinates partnerships, volunteers, and funding for local and international mission work. They also plan activities for current church members and organize community outreach to visitors and the community.
This committee coordinates our yearly stewardship campaign. They also foster ways for the congregation to give of their time, talent, and financial resources.
Deacons minister to members of Park Central who are in need. They establish and maintain relationships with those in their care group. They also work with the Worship Committee to prepare communion.
If you are interested in serving, reach out to the HR Committee or have the church office pass the message along! You can also reach out to the office for information on current Board and Committee members.